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作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源:http://www.sdcgy.com 日期:2022/4/8 15:17:55



  After the aluminum pattern plate is processed, it is faced with transportation, so how to transport aluminum pattern plate safely, so that the product can safely reach the destination, this is a key problem. Here for you about the transportation of aluminum pattern plate.


  Transportation mode of aluminum pattern plate includes cars, trains, ships and other transportation vehicles.


  In the transportation process, it is forbidden to mix aluminum pattern plate with active chemical products and wet materials, and at the same time, it should keep the carriage and ship compartment dry, clean and pollution-free. It is best to use a closed compartment or a ship warehouse for the shipment of aluminum pattern plates, or an open car for shipment. However, in the transportation process, it must be covered and bundled tightly with rainproof and snow tarp to ensure that water, rain and snow will not enter the packing boxes and aluminum pattern plate products.


  The storage environment of aluminum pattern plate is as clean, dry and free of pollutants as the transportation environment. Because aluminum pattern plate is a non-ferrous metal, if it contacts with water, it will produce oxidation reaction, which destroys the surface and affects the surface quality. Therefore, a dry environment is the basic condition for storing aluminum pattern plate.

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  In case of reverse shipment, it is recommended that the aluminum pattern plates be stored in the warehouse. If stored in a simple warehouse or in the open air, they should be covered with rain proof and snow tarp and tied securely. Meanwhile, the lower packing boxes should be padded with a cushion height of no less than 100mm.


  Although relative fastening and moisture-proof packaging and measures have been made in the packaging workshop, in the process of transportation, if you want to cover the rain cloth, avoid the water in the packaging of aluminum pattern plate caused by the weather, at the same time, avoid bumping in the process of loading and unloading, so that the aluminum pattern plate can be safely transported to the hands of users.


  Therefore, for many aluminum pattern plate users and dealers, whether in the process of aluminum pattern plate transportation or after the purchase of aluminum pattern plate storage, should pay attention to. For more information, please visit www.sdcgy.com.
